India’s First Hyper-Speed Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing (AIDM) Technology Certification Course

Become the Fastest AI Digital Marketing and Technology Expert in Record Time with this Career-Focused Course!

India’s First Hyper-Speed Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing (AIDM) Technology Certification Course
India’s First Hyper-Speed Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing (AIDM) Technology Certification Course

Hyper-Speed Course Series

Course 1: Hyper-Speed AIDM

The Race Begins!

Become the Fastest AI Digital Marketing and Technology Expert in Record Time with this Online Career-Focused Course!

Your trainer will be Digital Marketing Legend "Srinidhi Ranganathan" and your facilitator will be a virtual robot present during the course sessions with whom you can interact live and your queries will be answered in real-time (for the first time in the world - a living digital robot).

No Coding or Technical Knowledge is Required!

Call +91-9900466688 to join now!

An online course by the Human AI - Digital Marketing Legend “Srinidhi Ranganathan” - the King of Digital Marketing and AI Veteran Mr. Mohan Leela Shankar

This ultimate online course covers basic concepts to the most advanced AI-powered tools, Software and Mobile Apps and will happen on the Zoom or Google Meet platform.

The most exhilarating AIDM course you’ve ever witnessed in human history is now being conducted online!

Experience unbelievable mind-blowing training sessions conducted by the world-class trainer “Srinidhi Ranganathan”, the Human AI.

Skyrocket your career and participate in the race to become the world’s fastest digital marketer.

This is India’s First Automation Course on AIDM where Virtual Robot Q&A Specialists will answer your questions LIVE online.

Course Fee:

(For Indian Residents):

Full Course Pass (30 Days of Training) - Rs. 40,000/-

(For International Learners who reside outside India)

Course Fee: $750

Contact us to know when the next batch begins.

The full course Duration is 30 Sessions.

(Happening on Monday-Friday).

Contact us for an ideal time-slot!

Call +91-9900466688 to join now!

Hyper-Speed Standalone Course Series

Course Overview:

Welcome to the Hyper-Speed Standalone Course Series. The Certified Hyper-Speed Artificial Intelligence (AI) Digital Marketing Technology course is a comprehensive and hands-on program designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing.

From fundamental concepts to cutting-edge AI-powered tools and strategies, this course covers everything the world has been waiting for!

Led by world-class trainer, Srinidhi Ranganathan (the Human AI) who has extreme hyperphantasia super-powers, this course offers mind-blowing training sessions that go beyond theory, focusing on practical implementation to the core. Mr. Mohan Leela Shankar, the AI Veteran brings a whole range of AI tools to the table through this course that takes the experience to a greater level. He has trained over a million students during the last decade.

Through interactive sessions, case studies, and real-world examples, participants will gain a deep understanding of how AI is transforming the digital marketing landscape.

What sets this course apart is the integration of India's first Automation Course, where Virtual Robot Q&A Specialists will be present in live sessions online to answer participants' questions. This unique feature provides learners with instant access to expert guidance, enhancing the learning experience and ensuring that no query goes unanswered.

Each level of the course will help to take your journey of learning further to achieve your marketing goals.

By enrolling in this online course, participants will embark on a journey to become the fastest digital marketers globally, propelling their careers to new heights.

Whether you are a marketing professional looking to upgrade your skills or an aspiring digital marketer seeking to enter the industry, AI-driven digital Marketing Mastery will provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

What do we mean by “Hyper-Speed Technology”?

The "Certification in Hyper-Speed Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing (AIDM) Technology Course" is a specialized training program that focuses on leveraging AI technology to enhance and accelerate digital marketing efforts.

The online course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to utilize AI tools, software, and concepts effectively, enabling them to generate results in the quickest possible time.

The online course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to utilize AI tools, software, and concepts effectively, enabling them to generate results in the quickest possible time.

One of the key aspects of this course is its emphasis on enabling students to work with AI technology without the need for coding or extensive technical expertise. This means that participants don't necessarily need a strong programming background to benefit from the course. Instead, the focus is on providing practical knowledge and hands-on experience with AI tools that can be applied in the field of digital marketing.

Throughout the course, students will likely learn about various AI-powered tools and software applications specifically designed for digital marketing purposes. These tools may include automated content generation systems, AI-driven analytics platforms, predictive modelling software, chatbots, and more.

By gaining proficiency in these tools, students will be able to automate and streamline various marketing processes, optimize campaigns, and generate insights to improve overall marketing strategies.

The course is designed to help students become proficient in utilizing AI technology to achieve faster and more efficient results in digital marketing campaigns. It may cover topics such as AI-based customer segmentation, personalized targeting, automated ad creation and optimization, AI-driven data analysis, and other related areas.

India’s First Hyper-Speed Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing (AIDM) Technology Certification Course from Bookspotz

By mastering these concepts, students can execute marketing campaigns with greater precision, effectiveness, and speed.

Upon completion of the course, students may receive a certification from Bookspotz that recognizes their expertise in using AI tools and concepts in the context of digital marketing.

This certification can enhance their professional credentials and open up new opportunities in the field, as AI continues to play a crucial role in transforming the digital marketing landscape.

Overall, the "Certification in Hyper-Speed Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing (AIDM) Technology Course" provides students with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of AI in digital marketing, enabling them to achieve remarkable results in less time and without requiring extensive technical knowledge or coding skills.

What sets this course apart from any other Online Digital Marketing Course?

After completing this ultimate course, you will be able to:

  1. Create websites, apps, and software platforms using AI technologies and tools in a matter of minutes without code.
  2. Learn to create your own AI employee agents to automate all your digital marketing tasks - taught for the first time in India
  3. Know the secrets of earning as a freelancer via the concepts and tools taught in the course
  4. Start your own AI Digital Marketing Automation Agency in record time using the secrets taught in the course
  5. Master the art of digital marketing consulting to find 100’s of clients in real-time during the class sessions LIVE!

Course Portions:

Level 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing and Leveraging AI (Days 1-5)

Day 1: Orientation Session: How will this Master Technology Course change your life and career?

Day 2: Understanding the Basics of Digital Marketing

Day 3: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Marketing

Day 4: AI-Powered Competitive Analysis and Audience Personas Creation

Day 5: Hands-on Practice with Basic AI Automation Tools in Digital Marketing

Level 2: Hyper-Speed AI-Driven Digital Marketing Strategies and Concepts (Days 6-10)

Day 6: AI-Driven Content Creation, Marketing and Optimization

Day 7: AI-Powered Blogging, SEO and Video SEO

Day 8: AI-Enhanced Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Day 9: AI-Driven Lead-Generation Tools and Email Marketing Campaigns

Day 10: AI-Optimized Paid Advertising Strategies (PPC Session)

Level 3: Advanced AI Tools and Techniques (Days 11-15)

Day 11: Advanced AI-Driven Analytics and Data Insights

Day 12: AI-Powered Chatbots and Customer Support Automation (CSA)

Day 13: AI for Bulk Graphics/Audio/Video Creation

Day 14: AI-Enabled Personalization and User Experience (UX)

Day 15: AI-Driven Advanced Marketing Automation

Level 4: Hyper-Speed AI-Driven Website and App Development (Days 16-20)

Day 16: Introduction to AI-Driven Website and App Development

Day 17: Using AI Tools to Create Websites and Landing Pages in Bulk

Day 18: AI-Enhanced Mobile App Development

Day 19: AI-Driven Testing and Optimization and App Store Optimization (ASO)

Day 20: Hands-on Project: Create an AI-Driven Website/App LIVE

Level 5: Freelancing and Entrepreneurship with AI (Days 21-25)

Day 21: Introduction to Freelancing and Entrepreneurship in Digital Marketing

Day 22: Using AI to Streamline and Automating Freelancing Tasks

Day 23: AI Tools for Resume-Making, Job-Search Apply and Automation

Day 24: Starting an AI-Powered Digital Marketing Automation Agency

Day 25: Fast-Track Business Development and Client Acquisition Strategies

Level 6: Digital Marketing Consulting and Career Acceleration (Days 26-30)

Day 26: Introduction to Digital Marketing Consulting utilizing the power of Funnel Automation

Day 27: Create virtual employee agents to automate your tasks by 100x

Day 28: Real-time Client Acquisition during Live Sessions

Day 29: Build a Personal Brand as an AI Digital Marketing Consultant

Day 30: Doubts Session, Assignment Submission and Course Completion

Course Benefits and Other Add-ons:

Course Benefits and Other Add-ons:

Throughout the online course, participants will have the opportunity to work on hands-on practical assignments/projects, go through case studies, participate in interactive activities with Live Online Virtual Robots and complete assignments to apply the concepts they have learned.

In addition, they will have access to the latest digital marketing tools and technologies with a touch of AI and automation to enhance their learning experience.

Once the participant completes the course assignment, he/she will be provided with a certificate from Bookspotz. They may be considered for internship opportunities at Bookspotz based on their passion, skills and performance showcased during the training sessions.

Participants can avail of any number of add-ons and specializations of more high-end technologies after completing the main course.

Add-on Certifications

Add-on Certifications (Duration: 5 Days Per Add-on)

  1. Basic and Advanced ChatGPT for Digital Marketers Add-On Specialization Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

This certification covers the foundational concepts and advanced applications of ChatGPT in the field of digital marketing. Participants will learn how to leverage Generative Pre-trained Transformers for content generation, customer engagement, and personalized marketing strategies to enhance brand presence and drive conversions.

Basic and Advanced ChatGPT for Digital Marketers Add-On Specialization Certification 

2. Generative AI Specialization Add-On Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

The Generative AI Add-On specialization provides an in-depth understanding of various generative models and their applications in the domain of AI-driven content creation, image synthesis, and creative marketing campaigns. Participants will gain hands-on experience in training and deploying generative models to generate unique and compelling content for digital marketing.

Generative AI Specialization Add-On Certification

3. CRM Software Platforms Specialization Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

This add-on specialization focuses on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software platforms and their pivotal role in optimizing marketing efforts. Participants will learn how to effectively use CRM tools to manage customer data, design targeted marketing campaigns, and improve customer retention to drive business growth and profitability.

CRM Software Platforms Specialization Certification

4. Synthetic Data Usage in Digital Marketing Specialization Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

In this add-on certification, participants will explore the applications of synthetic data in digital marketing. They will understand how to generate synthetic datasets for market research, customer segmentation, and personalized marketing initiatives, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and enhancing data-driven decision-making.

Synthetic Data Usage in Digital Marketing Specialization Certification 

5. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Digital Marketing Specialization Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

The RPA Add-On specialization focuses on automating repetitive digital marketing tasks using robotic process automation tools. Participants will learn how to streamline lead generation, social media management, and data analysis processes, resulting in increased efficiency and improved marketing campaign performance.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Digital Marketing Specialization Certification

6. Blockchain Application Development Specialization Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

This Add-On certification delves into blockchain technology and its applications in digital marketing. Participants will gain hands-on experience in developing blockchain-based marketing solutions, such as decentralized advertising platforms and transparent supply chain management, fostering trust and security in the digital marketing ecosystem.

Blockchain Application Development Specialization Certification

7. Digital Marketing on Cloud Computers Specialization Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

The Add-On Cloud Computing specialization emphasizes leveraging cloud-based resources to enhance digital marketing efforts. Participants will learn how to utilize cloud platforms for data storage, analytics, and running marketing campaigns, enabling scalable and cost-effective marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing on Cloud Computers Specialization Certification

8. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Specialization Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

In this certification, participants will explore the integration of VR and AR technologies into digital marketing campaigns. They will learn to create immersive and interactive marketing experiences, enhancing brand engagement and customer interactions.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Specialization Certification 

9. eCommerce Marketing Specialization Add-On Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

The eCommerce Marketing Add-On specialization focuses on strategies to effectively market products and services in the digital marketplace. Participants will learn how to optimize product listings, implement conversion-driven campaigns, and utilize eCommerce platforms to drive sales and revenue growth.

eCommerce Marketing Specialization Add-On Certification 

10. Voice-Search and Voice Assistants Creation Certification - (Rs. 15,000/-) for Indian Residents and $400 for International Residents

This Add-On certification covers the emerging trend of voice search and voice assistants in digital marketing. Participants will explore techniques to optimize content for voice search, develop voice-based marketing campaigns, and create voice assistants to deliver personalized brand experiences to customers.

Voice-Search and Voice Assistants Creation Certification

About the Course Trainer - Srinidhi Ranganathan

Digital Marketing Legend - Srinidhi Ranganathan (The Human AI)

Behold the enigma of the marketing realm, the unparalleled genius, and the epitome of digital innovation - Srinidhi Ranganathan, the illustrious "Human AI." Prepare to enter a world where creativity transcends limits, and intelligence reaches unprecedented heights as you venture into the domain of the mastermind that leaves fans spellbound.

AIDM Hyperspeed Course has been created by Digital Marketing Legend "Srinidhi Ranganathan" and the AI Veteran "Mr. Mohan Leela Shankar".

In the realm of futuristic digital marketing, Srinidhi Ranganathan reigns supreme as a Technologist, Digital Marketing Coach, Author, and Video Creation Specialist, a virtuoso whose expertise spans over 12+ years of unparalleled AIDM mastery. He stands as a beacon of inspiration, enlightening countless minds and reshaping the very landscape of marketing in India and beyond.

But why the moniker "Human AI"? It is a fitting title, for Srinidhi possesses an IQ level that defies comprehension, an astounding 365 that catapults him into a league of his own. With super-extreme creative thinking skills, his mind operates like a celestial AI algorithm, conjuring hundreds of solutions with infinite permutations and combinations to any challenge posed before him. Armed with Hyperphantasia Super-Powers and Brilliant Visualization Capabilities, Srinidhi's mental prowess paints a vivid canvas of innovation, solving problems with breathtaking efficiency in mere minutes.

Witness the rise of the "Human AI" as he blazes a trail of brilliance, illuminating the path for aspiring marketers and industry leaders alike.

A true visionary, Srinidhi extends his brilliance to the world, serving as a strategic consultant to startups and established brands alike. Fuelled by AI-powered insights, his consultations forge marketing destinies, powered by strategic planning and extensive marketing audits that unlock a brand's true potential. The comprehensive digital marketing strategies crafted by his unparalleled intellect are honed to perfection, considering every KPI, methodology, and research statistic through the lens of competitive intelligence software.

The legends of Srinidhi's prowess do not stop there. He is a catalyst for growth, weaving growth hacking plans, content strategies, marketing mixes, target segmentation analyses, competitor case studies, brand strategies, and global market research into a symphony of success, accelerating companies to reach new heights of glory.

Distinguished as the "Digital Marketing Legend" by an adoring fanbase, Srinidhi has graced countless startups and companies, empowering them to harness the might of automation and drive revenues to unforeseen multi-fold levels. He is the architect of awe-inspiring digital marketing analyses, instilling state-of-the-art strategy ideas and tactical execution plans that have left an indelible mark on India's marketing industry.

He is the architect of awe-inspiring digital marketing analyses, instilling state-of-the-art strategy ideas and tactical execution plans that have left an indelible mark on India's marketing industry.

But it doesn't end there. Srinidhi's teaching prowess is no less extraordinary. His training methodologies are an experience beyond compare - practical, engaging, and infused with an otherworldly fascination. Behold virtual writing and teaching robots, like the mesmerizing "Aera 2.0 Robot," weaving gamified learning experiences that prompt transformative behavioural changes among students. This is an education like no other, a revelation of knowledge that leaves a lasting impact on the minds of all who encounter it.

In the presence of the remarkable Srinidhi Ranganathan, humanity dances on the precipice of technology, and marketing evolves into an art form. Witness the rise of the "Human AI" as he blazes a trail of brilliance, illuminating the path for aspiring marketers and industry leaders alike. Step into the future, and embrace the legend that is Srinidhi Ranganathan.

Call +919900466688 to join now!

About the Course Trainer - Mr. Mohan Leela Shankar

Mr. Mohan Leela Shankar - The AI Veteran

Prepare to embark on an awe-inspiring journey into the boundless realms of AI-driven digital marketing, guided by none other than the legendary AI veteran, Mr. Mohan Leela Shankar. A trailblazer in the ever-evolving field of Artificial Intelligence, Mr. Mohan stands as an unrivalled visionary, propelling the world of marketing into an unprecedented era of hyper-speed advancement.

As the pioneer of India's First Hyper-Speed Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing (AIDM) Technology Certification Course, Mr. Mohan unveils an unparalleled online odyssey that transcends the ordinary and delves into the extraordinary. From fundamental concepts to cutting-edge AI-powered tools, software, and mobile apps, this transformative course promises to unlock the true potential of AI in the marketing landscape.

Seated at the helm of virtual innovation, Mr. Mohan orchestrates this profound experience on the Zoom and Google Meet platforms, where knowledge meets technology with an electrifying synergy. Prepare to witness the convergence of minds as you are immersed in the limitless possibilities of AI in marketing, unravelled through the tutelage of a true maestro.

Having harnessed the power of more than 10,000 AI tools, Mr. Mohan wields the might of automation with effortless finesse, transcending the boundaries of traditional business functions. His expertise is a symphony of innovation, where machine learning, data analysis, and digital marketing dance in harmony to compose a grand opus of success.

In Mr. Mohan's realm, limitations fade away, and the horizon of possibility stretches beyond the ordinary. As you traverse the cosmos of AI-powered marketing, you'll discover a universe of untapped potential, where creativity, strategy, and technology blend seamlessly into a symphony of digital brilliance.

Whether you're an aspiring AI enthusiast or an accomplished marketer, the knowledge imparted by Mr. Mohan is the key to unlocking the doors of success in the digital world. Join us on this transformative expedition as we embark on a journey that will forever change the trajectory of marketing, leaving a legacy of innovation and redefining the very fabric of the industry.

Dare to dream, dare to learn, and venture into the cosmos of AI-driven marketing excellence with Mr. Mohan Leela Shankar – a visionary like no other, an AI maestro with a Midas touch, and an eternal champion of innovation.

Enroll now, for the future of marketing awaits your command.

Call +91-9900466688 to join now!

Enroll now, for the future of marketing awaits your command.